The Future of Eye Research National Eye Institute (NEI) Celebrates 50 Years of Vision Research Advances
Hosted by the Leisure World Lions Club.
Eagle Scouts
Blind Triplets from Virginia Become Eagle Scouts Submitted by Lion Jeff Root This is one of the greatest stories I have had the pleasure to provide to fellow Lions. Former Virginia Lions Eye Institute Chair Lion Elden Wright was instrumental in selecting three brothers, Leo, Nick and Steven Cantos, for VLEI Scholarships for several years.…
Tribute to Lion Elden Wright
June 5th This was a special night: special visitors, a special presentation, and special memories of a special Lion. The theme was “Honoring Lion Elden Wright.” Guests included Past District Governor Woody Woodward (President, VA Lions Eye Institute), Richard Falls (VLEI Treasurer), and Bill Wright – Lion Elden Wright’s son. Another guest was potential new…