Low Vision Center Opens in Alexandria, VA (Read June 2016 Article)

In 2010, the VLEI created partnerships with the Prevention of Blindness Society of the Metropolitan Washington D.C area (POBS) and the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) to promote the rehabilitation of visually impaired individuals through low vision evaluations and the use of low vision aids.

Equipment to diagnose the severity of blind spots (scotoma) in macular degeneration has been provided to the newly established Low Vision Learning Center of the POBS in Old Town Alexandria. Additional support in terms of loaner visual aids as well as transportation assistance through taxi vouchers for individuals unable to drive has also been provided to the center. Information about the center and how to make appointments can be obtained from the following links:

Click here to view Process of adjusting & adapting to low vision” by Dr. Alibhai & Admin Assistant Ann Koch

Your Eyes Organization

Low Vision Services Organization

The Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired provides vision rehabilitation to visually impaired seniors seeking independence in their own homes, working age sight impaired individuals wanting to work or to return to work and to visually impaired children in the public school system. The state vision rehabilitation program is open to all residents of –Virginia who are referred directly to the offices of DBVI by their eye care providers, disability officers or public school itinerant vision teachers. Information about the programs or how to get referred is available by calling 703-359-1100 or through the website: VDBVI Organization

Low Vision Learning Center

Low Vision Examinations

Visual Skills Training

Occupational Therapy

Low Vision Devices

Low Vision Learning Centers are Located at:

105 S Alfred Street**

4942 St Elmo Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22314

Bethesda, MD 20814

Phone: 703-652-7803

Phone 301-657-3332

** This location is supported by the Virginia Lions Eye Institute Foundation.  Both locations offer the same professional and caring services.


Suleiman Alibhai, O.D., F.A.A.O.


Phone:  703-652-7803   

E-Mail:  LowVisionServices@mac.com

Fax:  1-888-896-0177