Woody with Elden

PDG Woody Woodard presents LOVF Humanitarian Award to Lion Elden Wright.

PDG Woody Woodard and Lion Ann Woolford

VLEIF President PDG Woody presents certificate of appreciation to outgoing VLEIF Secretary  Ann Wolford.

Woody with Elden

PDG Woody Woodard presents LOVF Humanitarian Award to Lion Elden Wright.

PDG Woody Woodard and Lion Ann Woolford

VLEIF President PDG Woody presents certificate of appreciation to outgoing VLEIF Secretary  Ann Wolford.

PDG Woody Woodard presents donation to Bill Wright in honor of his father, the late Eldon Wright.
PDG Woody Woodard presents donation to Bill Wright in honor of his father, the late Eldon Wright.
PDG Woody presenting Lions of Virginia Humanitarian Recognition to Lion Davida Luehrs
PDG Woody presenting Lions of Virginia Humanitarian Recognition to Lion Davida Luehrs